
Fast Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG) Analytics in 2024/2025: Analytics for FMCG Companies

As we move into 2024 - 2025, the Fast Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG) sector is set to be revolutionised by data analytics.

June 13, 2024

managing director of Notitia in focus, with colleague analytics consultant Arturo Ortega

Data Analytics in Fast Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG)

Fast Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG) companies are increasingly turning to data to gain a competitive edge, optimise operations, and understand their customers better, according to Alex Avery, Founder and Managing Director of data analytics firm, Notitia.

FMCG companies in Australia are increasingly turning to advanced analytics to gain a competitive edge, optimise their operations, and better understand their customers.

As we move into 2024 - 2025, the FMCG sector is set to be revolutionised by data analytics, Notitia managing director, Alex Avery says.

“In the fast-paced world of FMCG, leveraging data analytics is no longer a luxury but a necessity," Mr Avery said.

Companies that harness data effectively will be the ones leading the charge in 2024 and beyond."

The Role of Data Analytics in FMCG

The FMCG industry in Australia is witnessing a shift towards data-driven decision-making. Predictive analytics, customer insights, supply chain optimisation, and product innovation are at the forefront of this evolution.

The COVID-19 pandemic accelerated the adoption of data analytics in the FMCG sector, Mr Avery notes.

“Companies had to adapt quickly to changing consumer behaviours and supply chain disruptions. The lessons learned during the pandemic will continue to shape FMCG strategies, with a greater emphasis on agility and real-time analytics,” he says.

“By embracing advanced analytics, FMCG companies can anticipate market trends, streamline their operations, and deliver personalised customer experiences.

"Data insights solve a raft of challenges that FMCG businesses face such as unpredictability and fluctuations in market trends, operational inefficiencies and product adaptation."

Predictive Analytics: Enhancing Decision-Making

Predictive analytics is revolutionising the way FMCG companies forecast demand and manage inventory. Leveraging historical data and sophisticated algorithms, businesses can predict seasonal demand fluctuations and ensure optimal stock levels.

"In 2024/2025, predictive analytics will be crucial for Australian FMCG companies to minimise wastage and maximise sales by accurately forecasting consumer needs,” Mr Avery says.

Customer Insights: The Power of Personalisation

Understanding customer preferences and behaviours is paramount.

Advanced analytics enables FMCG companies to segment customers, identify emerging trends, and tailor marketing campaigns.

“Personalisation is key,” says Mr Avery.

“Using data from social media and online shopping behaviours, FMCG companies can create targeted marketing strategies that resonate with their audience, driving higher engagement and loyalty.”

Supply Chain Optimisation: Ensuring Resilience

Australia’s unique geographic challenges necessitate robust supply chain analytics.

By monitoring real-time data through IoT sensors and RFID tags, companies can optimise logistics and reduce lead times, Mr Avery says.

“Supply chain analytics will be essential for FMCG companies to manage inventory efficiently and improve overall supply chain resilience in 2024/2025,” he said.

Data analytics drives product innovation by identifying market gaps and evolving consumer demands.

“There is a growing demand for sustainable and eco-friendly products," he says.

"By analysing sales data and customer feedback, FMCG companies can innovate and introduce products that align with these values, capturing a larger market share.”

FMCG Industry Insights for 2024/2025

Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning: AI and ML are set to revolutionise FMCG analytics. These technologies provide deeper insights into customer behaviour, predict market trends with greater accuracy, and automate decision-making processes. “AI-driven analytics will help Australian FMCG companies predict the impact of marketing campaigns in real-time, allowing for dynamic adjustments,” says Avery.

Big Data and Cloud Computing: The integration of big data and cloud computing enhances the analytical capabilities of FMCG companies. Cloud-based platforms enable real-time data processing, providing actionable insights faster. Avery adds, “Cloud computing is particularly beneficial for Australian companies operating across multiple regions, allowing for centralised data management and improved decision-making.”

Blockchain Technology: Blockchain technology ensures greater transparency and traceability in the FMCG supply chain. Avery explains, “Blockchain can help combat fraud and build consumer trust by verifying the origins of products, particularly for organic and sustainable items.”

Real-World Applications: The Fyna Foods Case Study

Notitia’s collaboration with Fyna Foods Australia exemplifies the transformative power of data analytics. Avery shares, “Our comprehensive cloud migration project with Fyna Foods maximised their operational insights and decision-making capabilities.”

- Qlik SaaS Cloud Migration: Fyna Foods transitioned to the cloud with Notitia’s assistance, accessing real-time data and improving operational efficiency.
- Technology and Tools Modernisation: Modernising Fyna’s technology stack to drive operational efficiencies.
- Analytics Managed Service Provider: Providing expert support for extracting insights, technical training, and creating visualisations.
- Advisory Services: Sharing industry insights to help Fyna leverage data for actionable strategies.

As we move into 2025, data analytics will be indispensable for FMCG companies aiming to stay competitive in a rapidly evolving market.

By harnessing the power of predictive analytics, customer insights, supply chain optimisation, and product innovation, businesses can make informed decisions, optimise operations, and deliver exceptional customer experiences.

The Notitia team is committed to helping FMCG companies unlock the full potential of their data, driving innovation, and achieving sustainable growth. Contact us to chat about your needs.

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