People & Culture

Meet the team: Senior Designer - UI UX designer - Carolina Perez Dilsizian

Based out of our Melbourne office, Notitia's senior designer Carolina Pérez Dilsizian is a digital designer who brings a wealth of experience from her previous agency and in-house roles. An absolute powerhouse, she works closely with our clients to produce tailored UI UX userflows & wireframes for beautifully-designed dashboards, web products and applications.

June 12, 2024

Photo of Notitia Senior Designer - Carolina Pérez Dilsizian

Melbourne Digital Designer | UI UX Designer | Digital Design

Q&A With Notitia Senior Designer - Carolina Pérez Dilsizian - Melbourne Digital Designer

Based out of our Melbourne office, Carolina is a digital designer and UI UI expert who brings a wealth of experience from her previous agency and in-house roles. An absolute powerhouse, she leads Notitia's design team, working closely with our clients to produce tailored UI UX userflows and wireframes for beautifully-designed dashboards, web products and applications.

Starting afresh, in a new country, is what Carolina says has armed her with a sense of resilience and resourcefulness that she also brings with her in her professional life. After deciding to expand her horizons Carolina took "a leap of faith" in 2019 when she moved to Melbourne from her home in Argentina.

"The challenges we face outside the office can end up being some of the best teachers for the challenges we encounter within it," Carolina says.

"This journey has taught me the importance of tackling obstacles head-on, finding creative solutions, and never giving up, qualities that continue to define my approach to both life and work."

A leader with a portfolio of big brand creative projects, Carolina’s diverse industry experience spans across Not-For-Profit, transportation, logistics, supply chain & storage, retail & e-commerce.

In her last role Carolina managed a team of five that coordinated the Smiggle E-commerce sites for markets in the UK, Australia, New Zealand, and Asia, under the Just Group umbrella (Smiggle, Peter Alexander, Just Jeans, Jay Jays, Dotti, and Jacqui-e). Here Carolina was a key player in multi-brand projects, showcasing her ability to work across various teams for licensed products including Minecraft, Kangaroo Beach, Disney and Harry Potter!

What is your role at Notitia?

“My role at Notitia is as the senior digital designer. In this capacity, I am responsible for designing and maintaining our digital products. My focus is on ensuring that our products are user-friendly and accessible, consistently striving to enhance the user experience across all platforms.”

What are the examples of what types of projects/responsibilities you have with our clients?

“Data Design Projects: I collaborate with data analysts and scientists to visualise complex data sets in a clear and understandable way, helping clients derive actionable insights and make informed decisions.

Client Consultations: I collaborate with account managers and sales teams to understand client needs and requirements, providing design expertise and insights to tailor solutions that meet their specific goals.

Custom Solution Development: I work closely with clients to understand their unique challenges and objectives, developing customised design solutions that address their specific requirements and deliver maximum value.”

What do you enjoy the most about working with clients?

“What I appreciate most about working with clients is the diversity of challenges they bring. Each client presents a unique story and set of needs, which keeps me engaged and constantly thinking. I thrive on the opportunity to listen to and understand their individual requirements, knowing that each interaction offers a chance to tailor solutions that precisely meet their specific goals.”

Your biggest challenges in working in digital design and UX UI?

“In digital design and UX/UI, one of the greatest ongoing challenges lies in the continuous pursuit of improvement and staying abreast of technological advancements, evolving processes, tools, and emerging trends. After gaining a solid foundation in the field over the years, the key is to remain proactive in seeking new knowledge and skills. It can be tempting to settle into familiarity, but I actively strive to avoid complacency by embracing a mindset of growth and adaptation.”

Share the experiences that have helped you shape your career

“Interestingly, I've discovered that life experiences tend to intertwine with one's career journey, shaping skills and attitudes in profound ways.

Take, for example, my decision to move to Australia.

That leap of faith not only expanded my horizons personally but also professionally. Starting afresh in a new country instilled in me a resilience and resourcefulness that I now bring to my work every day.

It's funny how the challenges we face outside the office can end up being some of the best teachers for the challenges we encounter within it. This journey has taught me the importance of tackling obstacles head-on, finding creative solutions, and never giving up, qualities that continue to define my approach to both life and work.”

What is that common a-ha moment, when you work with a client?

“What tends to catch clients off guard is how I dive headfirst into their process. I really get into understanding what makes them tick, what challenges they're facing. I'm not shy about asking questions either – I mean, there's no such thing as a 'basic' question when you're trying to get to the heart of a project, right? It's all about getting on their wavelength and showing that I'm genuinely invested in finding the best solution for them.”

Any industry insights that you can share for 2024/2025 digital design and UI UX?

“Personalisation will remain a top priority for businesses aiming to deliver tailored user experiences. By leveraging data analytics businesses can gain deeper insights into user preferences and behaviour, allowing them to customise digital designs.

This lets them tweak their digital designs to fit each person like a glove. Whether it's suggesting products they'll love or serving up content that's just right for them, businesses are doubling down on tech that makes every user feel special and understood.”

What is your background?

“I studied graphic design at UADE (Universidad Argentina de la Empresa), a university with a strong business focus. This meant that alongside fostering creativity, our professors emphasised providing clients with effective solutions.

During my time at university, I delved deeper into digital design by taking coding courses in HTML & CSS, and participating in UX/UI bootcamps aiming to direct my career that way.

I've worked across a broad range of industries and sectors including logistics, marketing and services and retail, - it has all been very different and interesting.”

“Back home in Argentina I used to work on a logistics company on the IT department, as a UX/UI designer. I went from intern to full time enjoying every minute of it. My responsibilities included working with developers to create B2C and B2B digital platforms.

After moving to Australia I became a freelancer for different companies - working with a broad range of clients to design and build sites on Shopify and Wordpress

My last role, previous to Notitia, was a senior digital designer on a big Australian retail company for a stationery kids brand (Smiggle). I was in charge of designing, building and updating the e-commerce site and all collateral digital assets as ads, social media, banners, catalogues and more.

I was leading a team of five people across 4 markets: Australia, New Zealand, United Kingdom and Singapore. And worked on internal collections and also licensed products.”

Can we help with your next digital design or UI UX design project? Questions about how we blend design with data and web development? Get in touch with Carolina or the Notitia Team here.

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